People bring different skills, languages, preferences, and styles to team dynamics. Our workshops are designed to help you gain understanding of self and to help you optimize relationships with others. All workshops are customized to meet the goals of the audience.
Leadership Circle Profile
The Leadership Assessment that illuminates leader effectiveness.
The Leadership Circle Profile™ (LCP) is a true breakthrough among 360-degree profiles. It is the first to connect a well-researched battery of competencies with the underlying and motivating habits of thought. It reveals the relationship between patterns of action and internal assumptions that drive behavior. Ultimately, LCP goes to the source of behavior to get greater leverage on change. Furthermore, unlike most profiles that take hours to interpret, LCP integrates all this information in a way that brings the key issues to the surface instantly.
The LCP is unique in that it reveals a leader’s Operating System: Internal assumptions (beliefs) that run behavior in both domains. This allows the manager to see how his/her inner world of thought translates into a productive or unproductive style of leadership.
You’ve taken personality tests… but now it’s time for an attitudinal assessment.
You’re probably familiar with personality tests like Myers Briggs, DiSC, and Enneagram.
These valuable tools can help you understand your strengths, embrace your weaknesses, and discover how you can work to your full potential. In that way, they typically support a “work with what you have” approach to adapting your behavior and pursuing personal excellence.
The ELI, on the other hand, is an attitudinal assessment tool that captures how an individual currently perceives and approaches work and life.
With the awareness and insights gained through the Energy Leadership Index debrief, clients have the opportunity to reshape their attitudes and worldview and “transform who they are.”
The Energy Leadership™ Index assessment can be given at the start of a coaching relationship and as a regular follow-up assessment to provide tangible, research-backed ROI data for any coaching engagement.

Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® Personality Inventory
The purpose of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator® (MBTI®) personality inventory is to make the theory of psychological types understandable and useful in people’s lives. The essence of the theory is that the seemingly random variation in people’s behavior is actually quite orderly and consistent, due to basic differences in the ways individuals prefer to use their perception and judgment. The interactive workshops help individuals and organizations understand the four important components of professional development: communication, decision making, change management, and conflict management.